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Category: Daily Photo

Turkey Photo Thursday

A big part of our homestead efforts revolve around our Turkeys. We raise two breeds of turkey, the standard Bronze and the Narragansett. Our main breed pictured here is our Narragansett Turkey. These beautiful birds are by far our favorites. They are very calm and mild mannered, are incredible egg layers and have great maternal instincts. We have had a hen go missing only to return a month later with 16-2o baby turkeys in tow. They forage very well and their feed consumption is remarkably low for the size of bird they are. We have come to love our turk-turks and would take them over chickens if push came to shove!

Our baby alpaca “Orion”

Today’s homestead photo is one of my all time favorites. This is our little alpaca boy Orion! He was born here 5 years ago on New Years Eve 2018. Those eyes!

Our baby alpaca Orion
Our baby alpaca Orion

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