
Part 4: Seeds germinated in 3 days! 🥦 #hydroponics #garden #seeds #greenhouse

Part 3: Putting my seeding trays down for a warm nap! #hydroponics #seeding #garden

Part 1: Time Start Cold Weather Crops! #hydroponics #seeds #seedstarting #diy #coldweathercrops

Part 2: Hydroponic Romaine Lettuce! Spring is coming!! #hydroponics #greenhouse #seeds

EASY DIY Cold Brew Coffee! #coldbrew #coffeebrew #diy #coffee #craftcoffee

Merry Christmas from everyone at Hooligan Acres! #goats #farming #puppies

GOAT Uber a thing? #goats #farmlife

Baby Goats!! We had an unexpected surprise on Halloween, trick AND TREAT! 🐐 🤠 #goats #babygoats

Hydroponic green beans in November??? 🫘

Ready to try hydroponics? EZ DIY hydroponics project under $20 #hydroponics #hydroponicstore #diy

Find out how to grow amazing fresh food all year long! #growsomething #easytogrow #growyourown

DIY. Find out how to grow amazing fresh food all year long! 😋 🙌

Had our son over for dinner! #Halloween #scary

Amazing Kratky Lettuce, Beans and Beets! #hydroponicgreenhouse #garden #hydroponicgarden

The Cedar Creek Grist Mill Late October 2024